The Second Space Between Contest

It’s that time again—the time when you tell me something interesting about yourselves and in return, I drop your names into the randomizer and give you books!

This time around, I have two ARCs of The Space Between, plus two signed (and only slightly crumpled) dust jackets—so, four winners total. And yes, because this is an ARC contest, again it is US only.*

TSB dust jacket 2

(See the pretty dust jacket? Well, it looks even better in person.)

So, the contest:

Daphne, the main character in The Space Between has a deep fascination with earthly minutia. She loves fireworks and paper lanterns and costume jewelry. She collects all kinds of tiny useless artifacts, because to her, they represent a whole uncharted world—a world she wants to understand, even if it’s only a piece at a time.

Now, what I want you to do:

  1. On your blog/Facebook/Twitter, tell me about some item of YOURS—some trinket or souvenir that might seem minor, but that means a lot to you. Again, it can be anything—a cardboard crown or a ticket stub or a photograph or a seashell. It can be strange, or precious, or totally unremarkable to anyone but you. Tell me broadly, or tell me in detail. I like hearing about you, so as usual, this will be as easy or as complicated as you make it.
  2. When talking about your memento, include a link back to the contest so that other people can play too.
  3. Comment on this post and tell me where I can see your answer. Again, make it easy. Most of the entries I got last time were perfect, but a few defeated me. If you link to Facebook or Twitter and I can’t see it, what happens? All together now—your name doesn’t go in the randomizer!**
  4. Do this before midnight Eastern time on Sunday, October 2nd. (Six days is totally enough time, so spread the word!)

I’ll announce winners next Monday, but until then, I look forward to learning about you!

*Again to my international friends: ARCs are technically supposed to stay in their country of origin, but I’m currently waiting on my finished copies. They should be here imminently and then I can start giving them away. To anyone. And that means you!

**I’m really not this mean. Please don’t make me be mean.

56 thoughts on “The Second Space Between Contest

  1. When Harry Potter 7 came out, I took my son to get a book at the midnight sale. I noticed they had piles of boxes with the Harry Potter logo all over them. The bookstore owners let me come back the next day to take a box. I’m sure it’s not worth anything, but I like have a memento from the night. Besides the book that is.

    I’m going to share this contest on Facebook and link you on Facebook.

    tmilstein at gmail dot com

  2. I posted mine on twitter, under @wingwit. For good measure, here it is again: A momento I love: the dalek keychain my friend gave me as a victory present when I finished my Ph.D.

    Vanquishing advisors is totally like vanquishing daleks, right?

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