Introducing FIENDISH!

At last (at long, long—no, seriously, I first told you about this book SO LONG AGO—long last), it gives me great personal satisfaction to present:

Fiendish cover

Fiendish is a book about being wild. And loving where you live. And sticking to your principles. And loving the people who love you back. And figuring out what makes you magic. And whenever I describe things, I always seem to think that subject and theme are the same as plot, which is NOT true. So now, here is what the story-copy says!

Clementine DeVore spent ten years trapped in a cellar, pinned down by willow roots, silenced and forgotten.

Now she’s out and determined to uncover who put her there and why.

When Clementine was a child, dangerous and inexplicable things started happening in New South Bend. The townsfolk blamed the fiendish people out in the Willows and burned their homes to the ground. But magic kept Clementine alive, walled up in the cellar for ten years, until a boy named Fisher sets her free. Back in the world, Clementine sets out to discover what happened all those years ago. But the truth gets muddled in her dangerous attraction to Fisher, the politics of New South Bend, and the Hollow, a fickle and terrifying place that seems increasingly temperamental ever since Clementine reemerged.

There’s a pre-order link up now on Amazon and Fiendish is slated to hit shelves on June 26th, 2014!*

Oh, it is a relief to finally be able to talk about this book—I had so much fun writing it, and there are a lot of monsters in it!

(You all know how much I love monsters …)

*So put it on your calendars, but not in ink, because I’m pretty sure that ever pub date I’ve ever-ever had has changed at some point.

26 thoughts on “Introducing FIENDISH!

  1. oh my gosh yes! This sounds like just the book I need to read at this stage in my life! The wait is going to be excruciating! Thank you for all your amazing work Brenna!

  2. This is so exciting! I’ve been waiting for this book ever since the mention of “that Ozarks Book” and the cover and summary do not disappoint! But why can’t July come sooner?
    On another (slightly random) note, do you watch Sherlock? Awesome 2014 book releases make me think of series 3 of BBC’s Sherlock- to be honest, everything makes me think of Sherlock- and if you have watched it, I’d love to know if you have any theories on the series 2 finale!

    • Yes: watched it! No: theories!

      I mean, I do, but I’m still pretty flummoxed, and I’m even a veteran Sherlock-reader (The Final problem was the first thing I ever read as a kid that just totally shook my world-view—I didn’t even know that could *happen* to a main character. I just sat there on my floor, staring at the page, waiting and waiting for Sherlock to walk back up the path from Reichenbach Falls …)

      So! I knew how it would end, because that’s the story. But! I have no idea how it will begin again! And now, we wait …

    • You are an amazing person for bringing up Sherlock and should be congratulated. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!! I personally think that we’ll never know for sure how he did it. Since you bring it up, did you notice that on the wall behind Anderson with all his ideas on it is a picture of the Tardis. GOOOOO FANDOMS, YAY!

  3. What a creepy cover and an intriguing synopsis! Looking forward to this, and since it comes out during the summer, I might actually have time to read it when it comes out. Yay!

    Btw, I have THE REPLACEMENT on my shelf in my classroom library, and it has gotten many longing looks from students who are attracted to to the creepy cover. :)

    • The covers—they’re like BAIT! They are my gingerbread house. (Because come on, if you actually saw a candy house in the woods, you’d want to go there? But you’d also totally think it was creepy)

  4. Reblogged this on catemorgan and commented:
    If you’ve never read Brenna Yovanoff, get thee to a bookery right now. Her prose is haunting, her stories devastating, and she leaves me in little broken happy pieces every damn time. To anticipate her next book is to make me shiver, excited and a little afraid.

  5. I am awaiting ‘Fiendish’ with bated breath (or, as a friend who was also an English major called it, wormy tongues). I also wanted to let you know this is the absolute very first thing (even before my name) in my personal paperblanks dayplanner for next year (I like to be prepared, and look, I needed it!). The “choosing of the dayplanner” as my boyfriend has come to refer to it–he just accepts it now. “In October?” he would say. “Yes,” I would answer. “There are people other than me who do this and they buy all the good ones. I don’t want the dregs of next year’s dayplanners, and it has to be a paperblanks one.” Odd look from boyfriend. Next year’s is a slim one with Mucha’s ‘Amethyst’ as the cover. I’m so excited something delectable made it in before a doctor’s appointment could. :-)
    Thank you! (By the way, yours will never be eBooks–I am running, okay, have run out of bookcases, for which I love my Kindle, but some books need to be free-range books. Within reason.).

    Have a delightful Monday. After all, Dia De los Muertos is Saturday, a somewhat magical and mysterious day.


  6. Pingback: Waiting on Wednesday: Fiendish | Brin's Book Blog

  7. I REALLY REALLY want to read this book but I cant find it anywhere I go! Its very frustrating….. I was reading through the other comments and saw that someone was asking about Sherlock and that is one of my favorite TV shows EVER! I love all of your books that I’ve read so far Brenna and this one sounds amazing!!!!!! My Best friend, who showed me your them, also loves your books very much

    • Awww, thank you! (I love all Sherlock adaptations ever—even when they’re not like the books. Sometimes *especially* when they’re not like the books. Sherlock Holmes was one of the first characters I got really excited about as a kid, and every interpretation and reinterpretation of him is the Most Exciting Thing)

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