PAPER VALENTINE Has a Face (and a soundtrack)

It is with a big dollop of joy that I present to you the official and very lovely cover for Paper Valentine! I know, I know, I say this every time—But! I’m so impressed by the designers at Penguin. They have incredible talent, and keep coming up with these weird/gorgeous/elegant covers that suit my books perfectly!

Paper Valentine

Also, because I like it when visual things are accompanied by audio-things, here are some of the songs from my Paper Valentine playlist. Also-also, this list is sort of amazing to me, because the whole thing is wildly uncharacteristic of my general music-listening. (Except for the Dramarama one. Because I love them.) All the songs are bright and shimmering and pop-y and just a little … off.

Which is oddly fitting.

Just, trust me.

22 thoughts on “PAPER VALENTINE Has a Face (and a soundtrack)

  1. One of the things I like about the cover is that it says “An author to watch.” Well, Brenna, you should know…I’m watching you (not to sound creepy…except I do want to sound creepy because I think it’s funny). We are all watching you!

    No, but seriously. That is such a cool cover! I can’t wait to read this!

  2. Love the cover! I remember being a teenager and every time I heard Everything, Everything my chest ached I wanted that kind of drama in my life. Sigh… Great soundtrack, amazing cover.

  3. Very nice cover! I like how there’s a general style that ties all your covers so far together, but they’re still different enough to not look like a series. And if it’s in any way shimmery and pop-ish and just a little off, I’m definitely excited to read it, too.

    • I actually really like that too—they’ve been so good about matching everything in a fairly broad way, without being too heavy-handed about it, and honestly, it’s kind of nice to feel like I have my very own font :D

  4. Oh WOW. I think this is my most favorite cover yet! It looks haunting and intriguing… Can’t wait! (Also, the font for the title is pretty fantastic.)

    • I am so, so excited to see it in real life! It’s just so intricate and weird, and I want to sit down and study all the details. And yes, I love how they just keep using that font so that it’s not even really The Replacement font anymore, it’s more like the Brenna-font!

  5. This is super, super, gorgeous, Brenna! They really do have exceptionally talented designers over at Penguin Teen. And if Hannah and Ariel and Pinky are from where I think they are from, I am already in love with the story. Can’t wait to read Paper Valentine!

  6. This is indeed a beautiful design, but I have to ask: Did the designers at Penguin work with the artist Elsa Mora? Because this looks almost *exactly* like a piece by her titled “Secret Anatomy of a Young Girl,” except the inner “heart” part has been changed. I haven’t seen her credited anywhere.

    • YES! If I’m recalling correctly, they actually bought two different designs and superimposed one over the other. The heart is a separate piece, and I believe that the original is much larger than it looks here. While I’m not sure what the terms of the arrangement are, I can’t imagine that Elsa wouldn’t be credited on the back-flap of the final version (based on how Jonathan Barkat and Nekro are credited on my previous books).

  7. Pingback: 8 New Covers (DeStefano, Falls, Johnson, Kade, Mead, Moss, Rush, Yovanoff) | Tez Says

  8. Pingback: Cover Art Coverage: 20 New Titles!All Things Urban Fantasy

  9. That. is. stunning. I really like the intricacy of the design; it took me a moment to see all the little details, like the snakes on the left side of the skirt. I loved The Replacement and The Space Between, so I can’t wait to read this one!

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